Pranjal Gore

Pranjal Gore

Software Developer | Aspiring Blogger


jekyll markdown elements components extra Bharat Bill Payments System Java Reflection BASIC Authentication Micro Services Architecture Spring Boot Google Guava MQTT Trust Establishment Mosquitto Message Broker IPL Live Score Prediction Game Ball By Ball Commentry Predictions Game Android App Micro Services EMI BHIM UPI Bharat QR Rule Engine Websocket HTTP Vs Websocket STOMP SockJs QR Code Error Correction ZXing Image Overlay Image Embed Merchant Settlement Pricing Engine Credit Card Project Integration Zookeeper Distributed Systems Coordination Service Znodes Quorum Inversion of Control Dependency Injection Design Pattern Source Code Architecture Springboot Elasticsearch Docker Docker compose






#Bharat Bill Payments System

#Java Reflection

#BASIC Authentication

#Micro Services Architecture

#Spring Boot

#Google Guava


#Trust Establishment

#Mosquitto Message Broker


#Live Score

#Prediction Game

#Ball By Ball Commentry

#Predictions Game

#Android App

#Micro Services



#Bharat QR

#Rule Engine


#HTTP Vs Websocket



#QR Code

#Error Correction


#Image Overlay

#Image Embed

#Merchant Settlement

#Pricing Engine

#Credit Card

#Project Integration


#Distributed Systems

#Coordination Service



#Inversion of Control

#Dependency Injection

#Design Pattern

#Source Code Architecture




#Docker compose

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