Zookeeper - Season 2

Zookeeper - Season 2

- 7 mins

Welcome Back!

This is a follow up blog post to Zookeeper - All you need to know. If you have not read that blog post, I would highly recommend to go check that out first.

Modes in Zookeeper

Zookeeper can run in two modes:

How to configure a Zookeeper Ensemble

What happens when a Zookeeper server is started?

Standalone Mode

Keep calm and let clients connect

Ensemble Mode

  1. When a server is started, it looks frantically for other servers mentioned in its config file

  2. As long as its the only server up and running it will keep throwing java.net.ConnectException

  3. As soon as another server joins, it proposes an election to take place

  4. The following logs will be printed to the console:

    My election bind port: /
    New election. My id =  5, proposed zxid=0xf00000002
  5. Each server notifies other servers of its proposed leader using a ‘Notification Message’

Notification Message

Notifications are messages that let other peers know that a given peer has changed its vote, either because it has joined leader election or because it learned of another peer with higher zxid or same zxid and higher server id

Examples -

Notification: 1 (message format version), 1 (n.leader), 0x900000003 (n.zxid), 0x1 (n.round), LOOKING (n.state), 1 (n.sid), 0x9 (n.peerEpoch) LEADING (my state)
Notification: 1 (message format version), 3 (n.leader), 0xa00000001 (n.zxid), 0x1 (n.round), LOOKING (n.state), 1 (n.sid), 0xa (n.peerEpoch) LEADING (my state)
Notification: 1 (message format version), 5 (n.leader), 0xf00000002 (n.zxid), 0x1 (n.round), LOOKING (n.state), 5 (n.sid), 0xf (n.peerEpoch) LOOKING (my state)
Notification: 1 (message format version), 2 (n.leader), 0xd00000000 (n.zxid), 0x1 (n.round), FOLLOWING (n.state), 1 (n.sid), 0xf (n.peerEpoch) LOOKING (my state)

Reading the Notification Message / Notification Log

So, this is how you should read a notification message, taking 3rd and 4th example from above:

Types of Servers in Zookeeper

Leader, Follower are also called Participants since they participate in an election

Follower, Observer are also called Learners

More about messages

LEADER sends following types of messages:

  1. SNAP entire snapshot transfer
  2. DIFF contains most recent missing transactions
  3. INFORM is information for Observer server
  4. PROPOSAL proposes state changes to Followers
  5. COMMIT asks the Followers to commit the changes conveyed in PROPOSAL

Let us understand these messages

Messages exchanged when writing data or state change

Messages exchanged when writing data or state change

Messages exchanged after election

Messages exchanged when syncing data after election

Leader pings every half tick

Leader PINGs every half-tick

Zookeeper in 14 steps

Since you have been so patient in understanding and reading about all these concepts, this is where you are going to reward yourself by making sense of it all.

  1. A server connects in LOOKING state
  2. Election takes place
  3. LEADER is elected
  4. FOLLOWER syncs with LEADER
    • Based on how much a FOLLOWER lags behind, the LEADER sends DIFF (most recent missing transactions) or a SNAP (entire snapshot transfer)
    • Send INFORM message to OBSERVER
  5. Client connects to FOLLOWER/OBSERVER (also called LEARNER)
  6. LERNER forwards session information of the client to the LEADER
  7. LERNER responds to read requests locally
  8. Client sends write request to the LERNER
  9. LERNER forwards write requests to the LEADER
  10. LEADER transforms the request into a transaction
  11. LEADER sends a PROPOSEs theFOLLOWER about the transaction
  12. FOLLOWER responds with ACK
  13. If majority of ensemble replies with ACK, LEADER sends a COMMIT to all the FOLLOWER
  14. LEADER sends INFORM message to OBSERVER

Caveat to point 12

Before acknowledging the PROPOSAL, the FOLLOWER needs to perform these checks:

Miscellaneous points

In a single machine, if a process fails, other processes can detect the failure from OS. However, in a distributed system, the processes which are still running are responsible to detect failure of other processes

Directories to watch out for

A typical Zookeeper installation on Ubuntu has the following components.


tail -f  /var/log/zookeeper/zookeeper.log

start zookeeper service

sudo /usr/share/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh

What next?

I have done several experiments with Zookeeper. Experiments with different configurations, added weights to each vote and more scenarios. Sharing all experiments is not feasible here, but depending on the response to this Zookeeper series of two posts, I may write another follow-up blog in the future regarding one or two of my experiments. Till then, adios amigos!

Pranjal Gore

Pranjal Gore

Software Developer | Aspiring Blogger

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