Bill Payments System

Bill Payments System

- 1 min


Bharat Bill Payments System is NPCI’s centralised Bill Payment System For Everyday Bills. This project integrates with BBPS enabled billers and non-BBPS billers to provide a uniform and consistent interface for all the users (Individuals/Banks etc) where they can make bill payments.

Tech stack:

Further reading:

Spring Boot was the choice of framework because of its ease of use, a huge community support and excellent documentation. Maven was used as a build tool. The resulting jar after Maven build was deployed on AWS EC2 instance which was maintained in the same security group as an AWS RDS instance.

Since there were huge number of billers and each bill is a function of a set of multiple disjoint variables, managing the bill payment code was a nightmare. Java Reflection to the rescue. All the variables for each biller were stored in a MySQL database in a standard format and Reflection was used to get values of these variables, from user input, at runtime. This made the code easy to understand and maintain and moreover, it introduced uniformity in an otherwise chaotic code.

Pranjal Gore

Pranjal Gore

Software Developer | Aspiring Blogger

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