FIFA World Cup 2018

FIFA World Cup 2018

- 1 min


FIFA 2018 was an Android App developed specially for the World Cup season 2018. Herein, a user can register himself by verifying their mobile number via OTP. Then login to the system and make predictions on upcoming matches.

A leaderboard was maintained where users were ranked according to their points. A user could collect 2 points for correct prediction, 0 for wrong prediction and 1 in case of a draw.

Tech stack:

  1. Spring Boot
  2. H2 In memory database
  3. Hibernate
  4. Eh Cache
  5. MySQL
  6. AWS EC2, RDS, SNS

Further reading:

You can find the entire code here and to understand how the project is structured, refer this.

Pranjal Gore

Pranjal Gore

Software Developer | Aspiring Blogger

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